When Should I Hire a Growth Hacker? 13 Scenarios You Could Be Facing Now

When Should I Hire a Growth Hacker? 13 Scenarios You Could Be Facing Now

written by Houston Golden
Founder & CEO, BAMF Media
June 22nd, 2021
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We don’t just help startups with LinkedIn marketing optimization.

BAMF is also a growth hacking agency.

Now, a lot of people know that they need a growth hacker.

But, the question is “when should they hire one?”

Do they need one next year when they’ve launched a new product?

Or do they need someone today to help them plan for the next year?

In today’s guide, let’s answer the question to “when should I hire a growth hacker?” and look at the different scenarios you could be facing.

Check out the 28 Questions You Need to Ask When Hiring a Growth Hacker!

What is Growth Hacking?

Growth hacking is the process of creating sustainable growth using unconventional practices that make do with the resources that an organization has at the moment.

This could mean anything from creating campaigns that are purely organic and utilize no cash at all, to creating massive brand awareness campaigns using guerilla marketing techniques.

It covers a broad spectrum of activities that deal with helping a company reach its full potential using a wide variety of efficient techniques.

The thing is any organization could use a growth hacker in their ranks, but the problem is when do you need one?

What is a growth hacker? Let a growth hacker answer that here.

When Should I Hire a Growth Hacker?

Scenario 1. When You’re First Starting Up

What’s one thing that all startups have in common?

They’re mostly all broke when they first startup.

Even the most highly funded or leveraged startups experience cashflow problems.

A lot of the time, budget restrictions won’t allow marketing and lead generation teams enough resources to push forward with grand brand awareness campaigns or heavy sales.

This is where it’s best to hire a growth hacker.

One of the key cornerstones of growth hacking is the ability to create almost guerilla-style campaigns to generate leads and buzz without burning through so much cash.

At BAMF, we’ve worked with several B2B startups that were previously cash-strapped and put them on lead generation campaigns that weren’t only cheap, but also cost-effective. This is the reason we thrive with LinkedIn marketing.

It’s not only affordable, but it’s also easy to launch and attach to any brand and B2B campaign.

But, it doesn’t just stop there.

Growth hackers specialize in rapid-scaling and testing multiple lead generation campaigns at once.

Since startups are relatively new, they have the leeway to try out a bunch of techniques until they find one that works for their business.

Scenario 2. When You’re Exploring Digital Options

Taking or expanding your operations online is a huge feat, and most growth hackers are trained in a variety of digital skills that you can leverage to increase your online presence.

Most growth hackers will be able to:

  • Craft landing pages and A/B test them
  • Create automated online campaigns
  • Optimize social media profiles (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)
When Should i Hire a Growth hacker, When Should I Hire a Growth Hacker? 13 Scenarios You Could Be Facing Now
  • Be able to aid in SEO
  • Conduct keyword research
  • Help a better UI and UX for your prospects
  • Aid in content creation
  • Schedule posts

Using this range of skills they can easily advise, assist, and assess online expansion plans and help take your game to the next level.

Scenario 3. When You’re Launching a New Product

Launching a new product is almost like starting a new startup, the market is untested, but this time there’s cash to spend on marketing.

Growth hackers thrive in new product launches because of their experience in product-market fits and their use of data-driven methods to achieve results.

Here’s the thing.

Any member of your marketing team can launch a product.

But, growth hackers can launch a product better.

Growth hackers are in-charge of creating multiple campaigns targeting various customer profiles to check if they’re interested in the product.

After they analyze their results and check to see if the initial ideal customer profiles are valuable, they then conduct segmentation.

Once they’ve segmented now usually run multiple campaigns and A/B tests what works and what doesn’t for these customer profiles.

Growth hackers prove to be invaluable members of a product launch team because of their ability to assess data.

They put out campaigns, analyze results, and repeat, never getting tired of A/B testing and monitoring.

It’s a myth that growth hackers are only great with guerilla marketing, it’s just one of the devices they use to gather data and make sure that their campaigns are working.

Having a growth hacker on board when you’re about to launch your new product could just be the boost you need to gain traction.

Scenario 4. When You Can’t Figure Out What’s Wrong With Your Organization

Company problems are normal.

Even our team at BAMF get our fair share of challenges.

But, sometimes, it’s difficult to identify what’s causing the problem.

Here’s why.

Sometimes it’s a combination of multiple departments that are not in sync, a certain SOP that’s causing trouble, and a mix of displeasure from the team.

Give it enough time to brew, and internal protocols won’t be able to find what exactly went wrong with the company.

You see, a lot of growth hackers work as consultants, and their edge is drawing from their multidisciplinary backgrounds and being able to see from the outside-in.

They are essentially third-party observers that technically don’t have any vested interests in the company, so they’ll be able to surgically examine and identify what’s going on.

Furthermore, growth hackers are able to turn challenges into opportunities for growth or expansion.

Scenario 5. When You Want To Take Your Content to the Next Level

Growth hackers are specialists in writing copy that converts.

But, this isn’t because they’re masters at writing.

They’re just trained to be great communicators.

I’ve never met a growth hacker who can’t get down-and-dirty with a keyboard and come up with a slogan or CTA that brings people in.

Even if they don’t specialize in coming up with the articles themselves, they can easily help content teams with keyword research, content planning, improving CTR, optimizing for search, and tweaking the language so that it can become marketable.

A growth hacker’s job is to communicate.

So, if you feel like you want to better connect with your prospects, getting a growth hacker to take a look is a pretty good idea.

They can help develop a content plan, get links, and train your team to write better copy.

Scenario 6. When You Want to Start Marketing Automation

A focus on efficiency is one of the hallmarks of a growth hacking campaign and what better way to do it than with automation.

Drawing from their experience in systems design and their knowledge of the latest marketing automation tools, a growth hacker can take your menial marketing routines and automate them.

But, that’s not all.

They can also set up proper KPIs, variations in your campaigns for proper testing, and a reporting system so you know where you’re at all times.

Automation is part of the growth hacking arsenal because it allows you to save precious time and resources. It also cuts down on the menial labor that can drain creativity.

Scenario 7. When You Experience a Plateau In Sales

We’ve seen a lot of lead generation teams hit a plateau.

And, there’s honestly nothing wrong with that.

At one point or another, you’ll grow to a point that where you’ve brought in the maximum amount of sales from a market, and leads will slow down.

Growth hackers can help assess possible markets for expansion or work on developing products for complementary markets that you’re catering to.

This can help revitalize your company and create new opportunities for growth.

This is proof that growth hackers aren’t just great for new startups or organizations, but they can also help established businesses create new opportunities for growth.

Scenario 8. When You Want to Analyze Where You Stand

Growth hacking is 50 percent data analysis.

And, most growth hackers are really good with data.

Whether it be statistical analysis or determining the proper KPIs that your organization should be tracking, they can tell you where you stand, and they can tell you using data.

As we said earlier, given their multidisciplinary background and their usual status as a third-party in organizations, they can easily sift through the clutter and identify roadblocks and opportunities for growth.

Scenario 9. When Your Team is Burning Out

A growth hacker can revitalize sales and marketing teams that are on the verge of burning out.

They can bring in fresh ideas and even automate most of the processes you have so that your teams don’t have to waste so much time on menial activities.

When Should i Hire a Growth hacker, When Should I Hire a Growth Hacker? 13 Scenarios You Could Be Facing Now

They can assist with product design, marketing funnels, and determining which activities bring in the most growth in an organization.

Plus, since they’re cross-trained in multiple disciples, they can prove very handy in different departments.

Scenario 10. When You’re Planning to Massively Scale

Looking to expand or scale your business soon?

Speak with a growth hacker.

Scaling businesses is what they do for a living.

They can help coordinate with management to create S.M.A.R.T. goals, get different departments synchronized, formulate unique campaigns, and create reporting systems or accountability.

However, there’s a catch.

If you’re planning to rapidly scale, make sure you hire a growth hacker does a couple of years of experience with scaling other businesses in the same industry, you’ll find that they’ll be well-versed in the challenges that ar eunique to your industry.

Scenario 11. When You’re Generating and Nurturing Leads

Lead generation is one of BAMF’s specialties and we’re a growth hacking agency.

One of the biggest responsibilities of a growth hacker is to create both active and passive lead generation funnels that actively nurture leads as they come through.

From account-based marketing (ABM) to account-based experiences (ABX), they have the ability to create hyper-personalized campaigns that focus not only on bringing in new leads but remarketing to previous clients.

When Should i Hire a Growth hacker, When Should I Hire a Growth Hacker? 13 Scenarios You Could Be Facing Now

But, that’s not all.

They can also help design omnichannel and multidimensional marketing campaigns that leverage different touchpoints to reach the maximum number of targeted prospects.

You can also count on them to create a lead qualification process that relies on data as leverage to convert with prospects.

Growth hackers know that they can’t achieve growth without new collaborations and customers, and that’s why a lot of them are lead generation specialists.

Scenario 12. When You Need a Jack-Of-All-Trades

Growth hackers are a rare species because they’re skilled in a wide variety of specializations.

You can assign a growth hacker to have a look around the organization and check what other processes can be optimized. Given their extensive background, they can easily provide feedback and even help different departments get in sync with each other.

This is especially true if you’re venturing out into unknown territory.

They can act as your guide.

And, it doesn’t just end there.

Having a growth hacker around helps teams learn innovative ways of doing things. And, you can use the experience that they have to give your own team a little more experience.

Scenario 13. When You’re Testing

Growth hackers are masters of testing.

Since they rely on a lot of primary data to make their moves, they spend most of their time testing campaigns.

You can’t go wrong with having a growth hacker in charge of your testing, they’re like scientists when it comes to their methodology.

Say you want to find out what type of campaigns actually work for your target audience(s).

They’ll be able to assess your current ideal customer profiles and see if your current campaigns work, then they can break down each campaign by its elements, and break those elements down until you have information about each and every detail like what colors work for which segment.

Testing has always been an integral part of the work that we do at BAMF Media, we believe that effective marketing campaigns rely on constantly evolving strategies that are tested with real people to get real results.


The biggest sign that your organization needs a growth hacker is if you’ve started considering getting one.

Growth hackers are a rare breed of professionals.

They’re not exactly fully-fledged marketers or business development consultants, but rather they are the jack-of-all-trades that every business competing for online needs to get their act together.

You see, growth is a full-time job.

And, you need someone to fill in that position to make sure that your organization is at a place to dominate.

So, when are you going to hire a growth hacker?

About the Author

The name's Houston Golden. I'm the Founder & CEO of BAMF — a company I've grown from $0 (yes, really) to well over $5M+ in revenue over a span of 5 years.

How did I do it? Well, it's quite simple, really. I've helped hundreds of business owners and executives get major traction (because when they win, we win), I tell all on this blog.

Growth hacking is a state of mind. Follow along as I explore and expose the unknown growth strategies and tactics that will change the way you think about marketing.
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